


Ok, so it's not Tuesday, but I took these on Tuesday as I was traveling to California. I spent a lot of the day waiting as flights were delayed, but I was able to look at a cool photography exhibit in the airport. I was also not sad to say goodbye to the cold and snow of New York for a little bit...

Perhaps next Tuesday I'll have some photos that I hope doesn't look like I'm bragging too much about the nice weather!

Hope you're having a lovely week my friends!


  1. How nice for you to get away from the cold of New York to go to the sun. Hmmmm! It's so true! People in the sun usually do like to brag to those left in colder climates!!
    Spring is showing signs of life here with spring flowers popping up everywhere. I love all seasons and I fear that I wouldn't enjoy the climate in California all the year round!

  2. beautiful bird's eye view shot! have a great time!


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