Hey everyone! Today I'm sharing an unusual birthday present for a 1 year old. My friend told me that her son was obsessed with the coasters, (
these if we want to get specific), that I made her a few years ago. After I saw a picture of him running around with one of them on his head, I knew that I had to make him a set of his own.
So I decided to make him a set of colorful shapes that ranged in size from 4 to 5 1/2 inches. I used size 10 thread and a steel #7 (1.65 mm) hook for all of them. Here are some close ups of each of the shapes, and I'll tell you where you can find the patterns.
pattern found on Pinterest HERE |
This was such a fun little project! I also had fun picking out a book to go with them.
Walter's Wonderful Web seemed a perfect match! It's about a spider trying to find the best shape to spin his web to make it strong and not wibbly-wobbly. It's a very cute book, and doesn't lacy crochet remind you a bit of spider webs?!
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