

"There is a time for being ahead,
a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion,
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.

The Master sees things as they are,
without trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way,
and resides at the center of the circle." - Lao Tzu





This weekend there was a time for rain and thunder storms, 
a time for sunshine; 
a time for cement mixing and shingle laying, 
a time for napping in a hammock;
a time for sitting by the water,
a time for paddling on the water;
a time for friends and family,
a time for myself.

I saw things as they were,
and let them be.
I was thankful every moment,
just to be.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend too, and I hope you have a fantastic Tuesday with whatever you have time for!


  1. gorgeous pics, my dear!!!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  2. It seems you had a lovely time over your weekend, Kate. How lovely to be paddling on the water and spending quality time with friends and family!


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